How long is a flight from Charlotte NC, (CLT) to Salt Lake City, UT (SLC)?
I'm flying to Salt Lake City Friday and was wondering about flight times since I am changing time zones. I've never crossed over time zones before. My Departing Flight leaves at 7:45 from Charlotte NC and arrives in Salt Lake City at 10:22. Is this a 3 1/2 flight or do I have to work in time change? Also my returning flight departs Salt Lake City at 4:56 and arrives in Charlotte at 10:52. Thats six hours!!! Is that the actually flight time or does that include time change. I just want to know how long I will be up in the air. I don't like to fly and like to be prepared! Thanks for your help!
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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1 :
The times are always specific to the location. In other words, you have to take into consideration time zones.
2 :
You have to work in the time change. If you get a non-stop flight it is aprox 4 hours 35 mins from gate to gate.
3 :
You do have to work in the time zone changes. The flight is approx. 4 Hrs 28 Min. You can get flight times for airports all over the world at