Thursday, July 14, 2011

duration of my flight

duration of my flight?
my flight from dublin to charlotte is meant to be 11 hrs long with 1 technical stop, does this mean i have to be on a plane journey for 11 hrs?
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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1 :
No........when they quote flight time it includes any stops along the way.The times are from the time you take off until you are planed to land.
2 :
Eleven hours from Dublin to Charlotte, NC is a long flight. I suppose the "technical stop" must be about 5 hours long. I don't know what a "technical stop" is, but the non-stop distance from Dublin to Charlotte is only about a 6 hour flight under normal circumstances. However, there is no non-stop flights between these two cities, so you are making a connection somewhere. You should take a good look at your itinerary and see where you are routed and what the flight times are. Regards, Dan

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